Porsche Brunei Women Drivers' Day
Event details:
Date: 19th June 2022
Time: 08.00 am
Venue: Porsche Centre Brunei & Abode Resort & Spa, Temburong
Your personal details
First Name*
Last Name*
Car model
Car plate number
Porsche Shirt Size*
Select preferred way of contact*
Will you bring an additional female guest?8
If yes, please fill in their details below.
First name
Last name
Date of Birth
Porsche shirt size
Indemnity & consent to data processing for further purposes
I hereby confirm that the information provided herein is accurate, correct and complete. I understand and willing to accept any risks that may occur during the event and will not hold QAF Eurokars Sdn Bhd accountable.
I agree to indemnify and keep indemnified QAF Eurokars Sdn Bhd, its agents, officers, and employees from and against all losses, damages, actions, claims, costs, expenses, disbursements, legal fees, penalties and demands in respect of any accident, criminal act, loss and/or damage to the Vehicle (including its accessories and spare parts), death of, or injury to, the Participant and/or such third parties.
I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of his Personal Data by QAF Eurokars Sdn Bhd, its related corporations and affiliates and their authorised service providers and relevant third parties, in accordance with the purposes set out in the Data Protection Policy available at https://www.porsche.com/pap/_brunei_/privacy-policy/ in order to carry out the object of this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, the Participant agrees that their pictures and/or videos that are taken during the Event may be used for marketing and communication purpose.
I confirm and agree to accept this Indemnity Form and fully understanding its contents and voluntarily accepts the aforesaid risk and consented to the use of data for the purpose aforementioned above*
In addition to individual customer and prospective customer care by post, I would like to be contacted via the following communication channels (please tick the appropriate boxes):