Bennett’s educational journey in architecture and design started back when he completed his Master’s Degree in Architecture at Virginia Tech University, prior to working for Adolf Rossi Architect in New York City. He then moved to Toronto, Canada and opened his own design studio, Dialogue 38, in 2002.
Thinking back, his biggest challenge on the path to becoming a successful architect and interior designer was convincing his first client that he was capable of handling the project. He strongly believes that having your client’s trust and support will be one of your biggest advantages on your journey to success, and none of your visions will come true without it. You need to believe in yourself and to not be afraid of failure if you truly want to accomplish your dreams. “My advice to aspiring and working dreamers out there is to treat every project as a unique opportunity to create something exciting. Also, don’t forget to enjoy the journey.”– Bennett Lo
Presented in partnership by Porsche Centre Downtown Toronto
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